First time to my blog?
It's best to go to the first post and then read backwards.
Only have time for a few posts?
I suggest: "Paying People to Hit Me and Other Chinese Stories," "Coy and the Countryside," "Eating Fish Will Make Your Eyes Brighter," "Hoorah for Hungzhuo!" and "Difficult to Come and Harder Still to Go."
You absolutely MUST read my three favorites:
"Chinese Adventure: Best Day Ever" (My favorite day in China)
"Why I Feel Grinchy" (What China means to me)
"Simultaneously adorable and hilarious" (Hilarious. Hilariously hilarious. Hilarity.)
I am always willing, and LOVE!, to talk about China. So feel free to send me an email with questions, travel to China tips, thoughts, concerns, etc. etc.
谢谢你!(Thank you!)